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PIN Errors in 2017 Update 3 and 4 Analysis Tools



As of July 28th, 2017, we have been receiving many reports of people who have been having problems with the analysis tools (Intel® VTune™ Amplifier, Advisor, and Inspector) as a result of a problem with PIN, the tool they use to instrument software.

PIN problems can produce several types of error. One of the more common ones is

__bionic_open_tzdata_path: PIN_CRT_TZDATA not set!

The PIN executable is located in the bin64 and/or bin32 folders in the installation directories of the analysis tools. You can test whether PIN is the source of your problems by running it on any executable. For example:

pin -- Notepad.exe


On Windows*, certain virus checkers have been known to interfere with PIN. Excluding pin.exe from the virus checker may resolve the issue.

On Linux*, a recent security patch (CVE-2017-1000364) is causing problems with PIN. Intel® VTune™ Amplifier 2017 Update 4, available on the Registration Center, uses a new version of PIN which should fix these problems.

Intel® Advisor and Inspector have not yet received a patch. We apologize for the inconvenience, and we assure you we're working on getting it fixed as soon as possible. If PIN problems are causing a significant blockage of your work with Intel® Inspector or Advisor, please submit a ticket to the Online Service Center to let us know.

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