YouTrack is Intel® Developer Zone's issue tracking tool, it has many features not mentioned below, but if you need any work done on the Intel® DZ website you must provide a ticket. Use the following guidelines to get started.
The first time you do this, your account will be created and you will be able to submit issues right away
- To log in, go to
- For your username, enter your Intel email address (not your IDSID).
- For your password, enter your usual Intel domain password.
Main YouTrack page:
Logging in:
Please use your Intel email & network password to log into the system.
Once you've signed in, the system will take you to your Dashboard view.
You can select 'Assigned to Me' and click the arrow button to see a list of issues assigned to you
New Issue: Click 'Create Issue' button, see Filling out ticket section for details
If you are currently looking at a ticket, you can also instantly choose a ticket relationship by selecting from the drop-down. This is for when you know the new ticket will be related to or a subtask of the ticket you are currently looking at.
- Funnel work coming in
- Better to have a limited number of people so reviewing, questions, answers, etc. are consistent.
- Also keeps from having multiple tickets for updating the same page
- Prioritizing your ticket: We have a 3 business day minimum Service Level Agreement (SLA) that applies to minor updates, article or blog creation. Large projects (creating a set of pages or redesigning) and Developer projects will be based on an agreed-upon schedule. Due dates should only be selected for launch-related tickets. Guidelines:
- Showstopper: Only for full site down, do not use otherwise
- High Emergency: For partial site down or urgent legal errors
- High: For legal errors or urgent updates. Note that if we find a person using this level for a majority of their tickets we will presume that they do not plan ahead and we will require a valid business reason to retain this priority level.
- Medium: For most tickets, whether they are minor updates or projects
- Low: For 'nice to have' updates or features that are not launch related
- Monitoring - very important!
- The IDZ Web team will be sending tickets back and forth with you for review, approval to publish, or questions. It is imperative that you respond with answers in the ticket and assign back to us otherwise we may not see it for weeks. Emails get lost, buried, etc.
- Create your own query to review daily
- Set up your own YouTrack Dashboard and save it to your bookmarks, check it frequently.
- []
- If you know you have a work request in, keep that window open in your browser.
- This contains your queue and queries
- Create your widget with your own query so you will always instantly see what is assigned to you.
- Click the Add Widget button and select Issues
- Type 'Assignee' into the field
- Begin to type your email address
- Then type -closed -rejected (this will keep closed and rejected tickets from appearing here and cluttering up your list. Then click Create new saved search.
- You can move this 'widget' around, resize it, etc. You can create as many of these as you want. Perhaps you'll want one that lists all the tickets you have created. Example query: created by: -closed -rejected
- There are many other queries you can run and the system has many 'type ahead' suggested options to select from
- You may be more easily able to create and test your query using the long text field so you can read it all.
- Select the Everything option on left so you can see anything assigned to you in any project
- Enter query and click the magnifying glass to see the a full page with the list of results
- If the results are what you want to see, copy/paste the query into the widget
- Click the Add Widget button and select Issues
- Notifications: You should also receive notifications from IDZ Admin. There is a link to the ticket in the email as well as most recent comment made by user.
- If you are not receiving notifications go into your YouTrack profile to the Filters and Notifications tab and set up what you want to be notified on.
Filling out a Ticket
- Project: Various projects are set up to be assigned to the correct person on initial creation of a ticket in the project. Confirm that project selected in upper left corner is set.
- IDZ -WebOps: content updates including text, links, adding images, file uploads, content removal, redirects, etc. Essentially any updates that don't require a new or updated layout. This is also what to select for creating and/or editing articles, blogs, videos, books/documentation as they have defined, locked in templates. These will be assigned to ChristinaX M King Wojcik
- IDZ - Design: New landing pages or updates to existing layout and graphics support. These often will generate the need for a Kickoff meeting with Design and WebOps team. These will be assigned to Tracy Johnson
- IDZ - Dev Core: Issues with site functionality such as site down or a feature no longer working. These will be assigned to Jeffrey Wu
- IDZ Business Intelligence: Reports, metrics. These should be assigned to Timothy C Manders
- IDZ :: IoT Zone: Content related to IoT Zone pages, this can include WebOps or Design. These should be assigned to KayX Martin
- YouTrack Administration: Issues with or features for YouTrack. These will be assigned to Matthew Groener
- If you're not sure, select IDZ – Routing instead
- Disregard other projects as they are handled internally
- Summary: Write a few words to briefly describe work, but not too generic – provide a page or product name.
- Bad example: Please update page
- Good example: Please update the Android is Awesome article
- Description:
- Page updates: ALWAYS include link to page being updated
- Include details, be clear, where on page to update, if link – provide link, where to place on page, and link text
- New Page: For articles, blogs, event entries, videos, etc. that are not in our Editorial teams' tool, Gather Content, give summary of work to be done and why (i.e. Need a new article or landing page for blah, blah, event). Do not provide all content for the page unless it's a simple title and a couple paragraphs.
- If a lot of content, provide copydeck (Word doc) to indicate desired layout as well as content, graphics, etc. Attach final content – copydeck, assets (graphics, PDFs, downloadable files, etc.) Graphics should be pre-sized to work on the page.
- If multiple updates are provided in a Word doc, please set the Word doc up with Track Changes on so the changes can easily be seen and no need to rebuild entire page.
- Provide metadata such as Software Product, Subject Matter, OS, Technology, Topic, Zone, etc. Don't overdo it – 5 to 10 tags will do. For Software Product – it is best to only select the most prominent one, it must be an Intel SWP.
- You can preview your description below the text box
- Note that this tool uses 'WikiText' which is a scripting language different than HTML or Rich Text. There are many ways to format it. You can use the YouTrack sandbox to 'code' your formatting. This is available from the 'More' link on the upper right of the text box
- Page updates: ALWAYS include link to page being updated
- Attach file: You can attach a file in multiple ways:
- drag and drop, using the Attach button near the bottom of the conent:
- Using the paperclip icon on the bar above the ticket content (see #4 in the Icon buttons below for details
- drag and drop, using the Attach button near the bottom of the conent:
Settings on right column ![YouTrack settings YouTrack settings]()
- Project - verify this is assigned to the correct Project
- Priority - standard is medium. See SLA info under BKMs. Never use Showstopper unless the entire site is down. High Emergency is only for partial site down or legal issues that will affect Intel Corporation across the board. We expect you to plan ahead, do not create High priority tickets without a qualified business reason.
- Type:
- Update or new content select 'Tasks',
- Bug or error, select 'Bug'
- New content or page rework, select 'Feature'
- State: New (selected by default in the WebOps project)
- Category: Articles, Landing pages, Videos, Webforms are most common
- Working Group: WebOps (selected by default in the WebOps project)
- Watchers:
- Add users individually, they will receive email notifications every time the ticket is updated
- Assignee: on ticket creation this is automated according to Filling out ticket Project section. When updating a ticket you will need to select the individual you working with on the ticket
Click "Create Issue" button at bottom left of page
Icon Buttons
These are the buttons above the Summary. As with most software tools there are multiple ways of implementing settings. These are another way of adding settings.
- Go to ticket listing
- Assign to
- Add Comment
- Attach File or Image. Note, you can also edit an image that you attach - adding lines, notes, etc.). When creating a new ticket, be patient when attaching, the system needs to upload entire file before you can submit the ticket.
- Link to another ticket. Select the type of relationship, the most common relationship would be Relates to, Parent of, or Subtask of. Then begin typing the ticket number, ie. WEBOPS-### or DESIGN-###. The system will give a list of results to select from after partially typing it in.
- Add Tags. If this is for the DPD team, add the DPD tag. If for the IOT landing zone, use the IOT tag. You can also add custom tags for your team:
- Clone issue or go to Command dialog. Note, if cloning an issue it will be a duplicate of the existing issue, including all attachments and the same project
Managing and Commenting
- Monitor: If you know you have a ticket you created - monitor it. Watch for notifications that may have questions or A/Rs for you. Check your queue daily if you know you have an open ticket.
- If you receive a ticket in Testing-QA state, please advise if all is okay to publish or if there are any problems with the content and assign back to the WebOps working the ticket.
- If you receive a ticket in Fixed-Verify state, please review the content.
- If all is published and looks fine do one of the following:
- For content that has localized (translated) versions on the site, send back to WebOps advising it is ready to go our localization team (GLS)
- For non-localized content, close the ticket
- If all is published and you find an error, make a note of the problem in a comment and assign back to the WebOps working the ticket.
- If all is published and looks fine do one of the following:
- If you do not manage the ticket on your own, that ticket may get forgotten and work not completed, or when found during one of our occasional queue reviews we will need to make assumptions about the status and either close and pass on as needed.
- Updating: Type in your note/comment in the bottom text box
- Set status (to Assigned or Feedback)
- Assign back to person working the ticket or whoever last commented to you
- To help ensure that the target individual is notified also type in their name on your comment, starting with the '@' sign, i.e. As you begin to type the email their name should come up to select as long as they also have a YouTrack account. This does not automatically assign a ticket to that person.
- This will assign to a person even if you have not made a note/comment
- You will see a preview of your comment before you add it below the text box
- Click the Add Comment Button.
To check your notification settings:
- Click on your Profile icon on the far right of the screen and select Profile from the drop-down:
- Go to Filters and Notifications tab
- there are a couple of tables that you can select from, but the most important is the lower table (the top table is for Tags). The best selections to make are on issue created | on issue updated | on issue resolved | on comment posted
- Select the items you want notifications for, this should include Assigned to me, Commented by me, and Reported by me.
- Go back to General Settings tab and click the Save button at the bottom of the page
Additional Help
In the Dashboard view you will see a tab labeled "Learn". From there you can search for videos and information on using the tool.