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Diagnostic 15328 vectorization support: gather was emulated for the variable a: indirect access


Product Version: Intel® Fortran Compiler 15.0 and a later version 


A vectorizable loop contains loads from memory locations that are not contiguous in memory (sometimes known as a “gather”). These may be indexed loads, as in the example below, or loads with non-unit stride. The compiler has emulated a hardware gather instruction by issuing individual loads for the different memory locations in software.

The vectorization report generated using Intel® Fortran Compiler's optimization and vectorization report options:

Windows* OS:  /O2  /Qopt-report:2  /Qopt-report-phase:vec    

Linux OS or OS X:  -O2 -qopt-report2  -qopt-report-phase=vec


An example below will generate the following  remark in optimization report:

subroutine gathr(n, a, b, index)
   implicit none
   integer,                intent(in)  :: n
   integer,  dimension(n), intent(in)  :: index
   real(RT), dimension(n), intent(in)  :: a
   real(RT), dimension(n), intent(out) :: b
   integer                             :: i

   do i=1,n
       b(i) = 1.0_RT + 0.1_RT*a(index(i))

end subroutine gathr

$ ifort -c -xcore-avx2 -qopt-report=4 -qopt-report-file=stdout gathr.F90 -DRT=8 -S | egrep 'gather|VECTORIZED'

   remark #15328: vectorization support: gather was emulated for the variable a:  indirect access    [ gathr.F90(10,29) ]

   remark #15300: LOOP WAS VECTORIZED

   remark #15458: masked indexed (or gather) loads: 1



The compiler has vectorized the loop by emulating a “gather” instruction in software.

The assembly code contains no gather instructions.

Compare to the behavior when compiling with -DRT=4  as described in the article for diagnostic #15415.


See also:

Requirements for Vectorizable Loops

Vectorization Essentials

Vectorization and Optimization Reports

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