Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel® IPP) is an extensive library of software functions to help you develop multimedia, data processing, and communications applications. Intel® IPP 8.2 Update 2 are now ready for download. Intel® IPP is available as part of Intel® Parallel Studio XE, Intel® System Studio, Intel® Integrated Native Developer Experience (Intel® INDE), Intel® Integrated Native Developer Experience 2015 Build Edition for OS X*
What's New in Intel® IPP 8.2 Update 2
- The release contains the corrections to reported problems, including the performance issue on ippiFilterBorder functions.
- About 270 functions have removed the deprecation warnings based on the deprecation feedback. For more information please see Intel® IPP 8.2 deprecated function change.
- A selective list of primitives are deprecated, including the functions for internal memory allocation. New alternative functions will be provided in the future release. Please visit Intel® IPP 8.2 deprecated function change to learn more information.
- The ippiWarpGetBorderSize function is deprecated. Refer to the Intel® IPP Reference Manual to learn how to get the image border size for the image warping functions.
Check out the Release Notes
- File: w_ipp_8.2.2.208_online.exe
Online Installer for Windows* - File: w_ipp_8.2.2.208.exe
A File containing the complete product installation for Windows (32-bit/x86-64bit development)
- File:
Online Installer for Linux* - File: l_ipp_8.2.2.187.tgz
A File containing the complete product installation for Linux (32-bit/x86-64bit development)
OS X*:
- File: m_ipp_online_8.2.2.187.dmg
Online Installer for OS X* - File: m_ipp_8.2.2.187.dmg
A File containing the complete product installation.