How do I play audio with different playback rates ? Building your app with Crosswalk* allows you to play audio files with different playback rates.
Here is a code snippet that allows you to specify playback rate:
var myAudio = new Audio('/path/to/audio.mp3'); myAudio.play(); myAudio.playbackRate = 1.5;
Why are Intel XDK's Android* build files so large ? [Build] If your app has been built with Crosswalk*, it will be a minimum of 15-18MB in size because it includes a complete web browser to use instead of the built-in webview on the device. Despite the size, this is the preferred solution for Android*, because the built-in webviews on the majority of Android* devices are inconsistent.
Changing the code base from "gold" to "lean" will reduce the size but the "gold” option only applies to older legacy builds. Investing time and effort in the legacy build system is not recommended as it will be obsolete sometime in 2015 and cannot take advantage of the numerous Cordova plugins that are available for the Cordova and Crosswalk* build systems.
Why does my Android* Crosswalk* build fail with com.google.playservices plugin? [Plugin] - Intel XDK does not support the library project which has been newly introduced in the com.google.playservices@21.0.0 plugin. To keep it compatible with Intel XDK, you will have to use "com.google.playservices@19.0.0".
Why is the size of my installed app much larger than the apk for a Crosswalk* application? [General] - This is because the apk is a compressed image. When Crosswalk* starts it will create some data files for caching purposes which will also increase the installed size of the application.
Why does my app fail to run on some devices ? [General] - There are some Android* tablets where the GPU hardware/software does not work properly. This could be due to the poor design or improper testing by the manufacturer. Your device might fall under this category.
Intel® XDK FAQs - Crosswalk